This is our logo. This is not our logo. Both claims are true – and false at the same time. The idea behind brandpowder, when we started to publish our experiments in visual communication, is that powder is stronger than power and brands whose value is based only on image, i.e. superficial perception, are doomed to crumble into fine dust. They are like pyramids collapsing on the very foundation used for their construction. What is really ownable today? We are in the Age of Mirrors, where contents are reflected and changed million times. What’s the meaning of brand property when anyone can copy and counterfeit your creative production and sell it for a fraction of the price? Our logo can be yours. Take it. We will be more than happy if you use it and make money and get filthy rich out of it. It will always be ours (and yours) at the same time. Because this is the power of brandpowder.
Copyright’s symbol is the hypnotic labyrinth of property rights (and wrongs).
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I do laugh when I see copyright across photos. That means nothing nowdays. Love OUR logo. Thank you.